NETS  North East Trailer Sailors


Holiday Party,  Saturday, Dec 9, 2006

Home of Pam and Bruce Foshay, Bedford, NH


At least 70  members present(not all signed sign-in sheet):

Millie and Paul Seeberg of ‘Mildred Rose”           

Karen and Al Hill of “Karamal”

Ed Goodhue  of “Dophin”                            

Tony DiStefano of “The Beep”                    

Bill and Jeannie Brock of “Zussamen”       

Nancy and Harry Sechman of “At Ease”

Jack & Rani Chadowitz of “Zemer Hayam”

Janice and Herb Clifford of “Janice Lauslie”

Mark Starin of “Serenity”                             

Barbara Garland of “Whale”

Terry and John O’Conner of ’93 Classic   

Ken Levitt and Judy Gould of “Try Oomph”

Carol and Gerald and Willy Noyes of “Three Breezy Fleas”

Frank Gibney and Sonja Burbank of “Endurance”

Guests Kathy and Mark Wilme of “Calypso”

Bart and Roseanne Carr of “Rosebud”

Chuck and Helen and Briana Healy of “Tacit Blue”

Carol Mosely and Bob Ahlers of “Time Enough”

Rich and Lynn Clough of “Sealuff”

Dan and Linda Lacey of “ Spice”

Doug Walker and Andrea Polizos & Galina and Julia of “Gypsy Moon”

Bill and Siobhan Baines of “Mental Floss”

Deb, Ed, Niki, and Kesli Kruzel of “Las Chicas”

Steve, Karen, and Tabitha Silvia of “Puddlehopper”

Don Huff of “Off the List”

Bob Chase of “Change of Heart”

Bruce and Pam Foshay of “Charis”

Guests also included Lorna Safford, Ron Judson & Kathy Denno, and Ted Jones & friend


I.                     Meeting called to order 3:30. by Commodore Bill Brock.


II.                   Commodore’s Comments: 

Thanks to Bruce and Pam for their hosting the Holiday Party again this year. This sailing club started in 1993 and since then, we have quadrupled in number of members and boats. Our common interest of sailing is what brings us together. This is a tribute to NETS that we continue to grow. (Karen Hill: “it’s because of the people too”).


III.                  Review of Previous minutes

Waived the reading of October’s minutes, moved by Tony DiStefano, passed by acclimation.


IV.               Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Tony DiStefano:

As of today, we have $830.43. Still have 12 burgees to mail.

We have 118 members, 5 renewals. New membership begins Nov 1st, 2006. Members may pay the still standing membership fee of $10 after the meeting.

John O’Conner moved to accept the Treasurers’ report ; approved  by acclimation.


V.                 Old Business:

From the October meeting, it was decided that at the party on Dec 9th, we will make buttons which will include the club logo, member name, and boat name. Karen Hill was excused for forgetting the materials, and she will bring them to subsequent meetings.


VI.               New Business:

By Laws:

1. Ken Levitt noted that last year we had three Members-at-Large even though the by laws allow for only two. The purpose of Member-at- Large is to enable as many as possible to be involved on the board. Barbara Garland suggested a different wording which the membership amended to read as follows:

“ The membership shall annually elect at least two, but not more than one for every thirty members, additional members to serve on the Board of Directors as Members-at-Large. It shall be the responsibility of the Members-at-Large to provide additional consultation and input to the Board to help reflect and respond to overall desires of the organization.”

Motion to accept the addendum: Linda Lacey, Seconded, Tony DiStefano, passed by acclimation.

2. Change to Article Two: In an attempt to reflect the more inclusive attitude that has been adopted within the club, replace the words “MacGregor owners” with “Trailor Sailors”.

Ken Levitt moved to accept, Harry Sechman seconded, passed by acclimation.

3. Addition to Article Ten to reflect what is being done in actual practice:

“Any new member joining after Nov 1 shall pay a full year’s dues, but will have their dues cover both the current and following year”

Ken Levitt moved to accept, Andrea seconded, passed by acclimation.


VII.              Election of Officers:

All those nominated at the October meeting were elected each in turn by acclimation, and they were:

Commodore: Jack Chadowitz

Vice Commodore: Al Hill

Rear Commodore: Harry Sechman

Treasurer: Tony DiStefano

Secretary: Nancy Sechman

Cruise Captain: Karen Hill

Webmaster: Paul Seeberg

Assistant Webmaster and Mother Hen: Barbara Garland

Member at Large: Ken Levitt

Member at Large nominated at the meeting by Rani Chadowitz: Dan Lacey


Rear Commodore and Mother Hen both need new flags made, Tony will take care of it. Need to ask Paula if she still has the Treasurer’s flag.

Congratulations to the new Board of Directors and thank you to the outgoing officers.


VIII.            Whale Awards:  Presented by Barbara Garland in memory of Roger Garland

These awards are to encourage members to sail, and to recognize those who go out of their way to get people to sail or to help them:


Nancy Dobbins nominated the following, who received the awards:


Gerald Noyes for towing Y’Not

Frank Gibney for helping to fix Y’Not and helping Las Chicas with anchoring in Shelbourne

Bruce Taylor for helping to Y’Not


IX.               More Awards: Presented by Karen Hill

To Steve and Karen Silvia for supplying Blue Slushies at Lake Champlain rendezvous; to Dan and Linda Lacey for enduring rain on several rendezvous; To Tony DiStefano for being our resident pirate (got a rubber pirate mask, ask him to model it for you); To Pam and Bruce for hosting the party; to Al Hill for saving the hotdogs (Paul and Millie gave him a picture)! From Millie to Karen , a hat with “Cruise Captain” on it.


X.                 Other business:

Rich Clough: our representative at Boat US: take advantage of the benefits you get being a member of Boat US and having their insurance. It has helped many a member out of a fix.

Jack Chadowitz: Make sure to tell Boat US when you apply for insurance that you have passed the questionnaire they have online and you will get a discount. The questionnaire is not difficult to do.

Tony DiStefano: all letters which go out to new members have this information in them.

Rani Chadowitz: (Workshop organizer): There are sign up sheets for workshops in the other room. We will run a workshop if there are at least 5 people signed up. 

Details will be posted on the web. Those who signed up should check the web one week before the next meeting to see which workshops are scheduled.

Barbara Garland: When will Lake Champlain rendezvous be?

Jack: The week including the 4th of July and the previous and following weekends.


Upcoming meeting schedule:


Jan 14, 2007                                     Meeting at TCG, Bedford, Ma ; Details TBA


Feb 18, 2007                                     Boston Boat Show Feb 17-25. Location TBA


April 1, 2007                          Defender Sale. Location of meeting TBA


Tony  moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:18 pm, seconded by Nancy, and it was accepted by acclimation.


Minutes respectfully submitted by outgoing secretary, Rani Chadowitz