NETS North East Trailer Sailors

Minutes, Saturday, April 1, 2006
Home of Vanessa and Jim Williams

17 members present:
Millie and Paul Seeberg
Karen and Al Hill
Chuck Healey
Jim and Vanessa Williams
Bill and Jeanne Brock
Alaine Woukanuh
Jack and Rani Chadowitz
Roger Jones
Michael Welch
Barbara Garland
Terry and John O'Conner

I. Meeting called to order 11:34 a.m. by Commodore Bill Brock.

II. Introductions of new members .

III Review of Previous minutes: Barbara motioned to pass minutes, passed by acclimation.

IV. Treasurer's Report: No report, Tony absent , at least 82 members

V. New/Continuing Business: (underlined name is one taking RSVP)

Rendevous Schedule:    	Date		Theme        	Cruise  Captain
Lake Winnipesaukee  	May 19-21	Penguins: 	Chuck Healey
				     Chilly and Silly.

Allen Harbor RI June 9-11 Mike Welch/Roger Jones

Lake Champlain July 1 -9 Gerold &Carol Noyes

Casco Bay July 21-23 Rick Dieffenbach

Allen Harbor RI II Aug 4-6 Harry Sechman /Al Hill

Down East Main TBD Frank & Sonja/Bob & Carol?

Boston Harbor Aug 18-20 Barbara Garland/Mike Corcoran

Buzzard's Bay/MV Sept 8-10 David Matthews/Ed Goodhue

"Maine Frostbite Cruise" Oct ?? who??

VI. Other Business:

Disposition of Club Funds :
Barbara moves for us to approve the expenditure of funds (around $200) to make name buttons. Rani seconded, passed. Karen Hill will make them up/have them made.

We will not do membership cards, but business cards for members to hand out at marinas and to friends/prospective members. Karen Hill and Millie Seeberg will organize this. They will also look into doing t-shirts via Café Press. Can use the Burgee design (get from Rick) for these. We can pay up to $100 for set up fee: Jack moved, Bill seconded, passed.

Other news

Roger: Data Disks has free software and charts.

Paul and Millie will be on the Esplanade in Boston Harbor for the 4th of July if anyone wants to join them. Need to launch/park early on the morning of the 4th at Charles River in Newton.You can hear the concert and see the fireworks.

Jack and Rani plan to be in the Narragansett nearly every weekend throughout the sailing season, other than rendezvous. Please let us know if you would like to join us.

Members: please use the "Sail Together" feature of the website.

John moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:24 and accepted by acclimation.
Most of those who attended went off to the Defender weekend sale.