Jan 8, 2000 Board Meeting Minutes

MOANE Board of Directors Meeting - January 8, 2000

Meeting opened at 11:15. There was general discussion concering the By-Laws. Bob Chase will rekey the By-Laws and they will be distributed (via the web page?) and provisions made for a review. Treasurers report (attached) was reviewed. Year ended with 66 paid members. Closing balance was $756.58, including a charge of $300.50 for burgees will be recovered following sale. Expenses for next year are projected to be $188.50. It was moved, seconded and voted to accept the report. Details of projected 2000 costs will be presented to the membership along with the report next week. Rich Clough is still willing to be the Boat US rep. There was no objection. It was suggested that the information for the discount be included member's only section of the web page. -Accomplishments in 1999 were reviewed: -Web page was started. -Held 6 rendezvous'. -Burgees ordered and delivered. -Six meetings and a party. -Speakers brought into meetings. -Maintained a substantial membership. -Had fun, made decisions and added to the memories. -Goals for 2000 included: -Increasing the active membership. -Updating and making available the brochure. -Create a MOANE business card which can be given to interested parties. -Investigate Group Insurance (speaker at a meeting?) -More Fun!! -Maintain Speaker program. -By-Law review. -New Rendezvous locations and encourage new leaders. -Attend boat shows as a group. -Web Site was discussed: -More articles. -Post former, or info from former Jib Sheets. -Terry has volunteered to key old articles. Bruce will get copies (from Clough's?) for Terry. Bruce will try to obtain copies from Bill for Roger to post. -Explore idea of Award burgee for best article of the month?? -Explore possibility of other MOANE products (Caps, bags, etc.). -Need someone to coordinate. -Add Member communication and updates (gossip) page. -Content of open and member only pages was a topic of continuing discussion. No changes were recommended at this time. Meeting Dates: -February 20th 2000(tentative) Savin Hill -March to be announced - Nashua on the 11th or at Hartford show on 18th or 19th. -April 15th (tentative) Nashua. Lighthouse Program. For Member Action -Recommend to the membership that Burgees be sold for $25.00 apiece including shipping (We paid 24.50 each for 12 plus one received free). -Recommend that the Membership approve two drawings to be held at the first spring rendezvous and first fall meeting with the prize to be a club burgee. There will be one entry for each submission to the web page. -That the Membership approve a continuation the present dues procedure and rate ($10 per year). Nominations: Commodore Bruce Foshay Vice Commodore Bob Chase Rear Commodore Kevin Sherman Treasurer Barbara Garland Secretary Hal Streeter Cruise/Fleet Captain Pam Foshay Jib Sheet Roger Garland Historian Roger Garland At Large Bill Brock At Large Nomination from floor The second "At Large" slot was left open as no one had expressed a desire, and the Board did not want to nominate someone who was not interested. Meeting closed at 2:45 Respectfully Submitted, Bob Chase Secretary